Sometimes you find a door with a fire, explosion or lightning icon on it and may wonder what that icon means and how can you open it.
Fire icon appears mostly on trees and spider webs.
- Kai: A Companion, can open every blocked door with fire icon on it.
- Fan of Flames: A spell you can learn in the Wizard section of Abilities.
Usually there is a barrel that will explode if you shoot it with a gun or bow.
- Grenades can also open this blocked doors if you don't see any explosive barrels next to them.
Wooden blockages have sword icon on them.
- Is breakable with Sword or any other melee weapons like Axe, Hammer or Dagger.
Fire Shield
Follow the wire next to door and hit the last thing it's connected with lightning.
Pink Ball/Arrow
Interact with the device close to door and see if anything is blocking arrow's path. Destroy the thing that blocks arrow's path and interact with the device again.
Crystal of snow appears on iron gates and you need to freeze it to break it and go inside.
- Throwable item called Eye of Rymrgand that freezes enemies can open this gates.
- Blizzard: A spell you can learn in the Wizard section of Abilities
Illusion icon appears on objects with pink aura around them.
- Yatzli: A Companion, can open every Illusion with her Dispel Illusion spell.
Rest of Icons