R.E.P.O. is a new game with options of playing offline in Single Player mode or online in Multiplayer mode.
What to do?
If you are confused what you should do in R.E.P.O. it's actually a simple and easy game.
R.E.P.O. contains:
- Player
- Wandering Monsters
- Valuable Objects
- Box
As the Player you should gather Valuable Objects inside the Box until you collect as much of needed objects that's required in top right of your screen.
1. With mouse's left click grab the box and put it in the container under big smile screen.
2. Go around and look for items that you can grab with mouse's left click.
- Hitting items to ground or anything else will lower it's value.
3. Put the object inside the box.
4. Keep gathering objects inside the box until the face smiles with dollar's in it's eyes.
5. Go back to starting area, inside the truck and hold mouse's left button while looking at the screen.