Wikithrough for Campsite of A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead.
1. Be careful with the Wolf Traps in your way.
2. When you reach the logs that are blocking your path, crouch down and continue from the little path under the logs.
3. After climbing up, look behind the car in front of you for a Toy. You can access it by climbing up the boxes.
4. Climb back up the boxes and then climb on to the car.
5. When you jump down from the car, be careful with the Tripwires in your path.
6. Crouch down to your right and when you see your second Tripwire, check out the Note 2: Bear traps on the barrel, left of the Tripwire.
7. Keep going to right of the Tripwire to see a stair behind you. Check out the Note 3: Camp Leader Welcome and a Battery on the porch.
8. Go back to the barrel you find a Note on it and enter the little yard area behind the barrel.
9. You can see a climb up wood in front of you with a barrel in it's left. Before climbing up, check out the Note 6: Last Words.
10. Now climb up and then keep going to your right into the next porch.
11. Pick up the Mixtape 1: Omar the Otter from the table.
12. Go back to the second barrel with the note and go to your left this time.
13. Climb up to the other side.
14. Pick up the Battery, Inhaler and then a Vine and throw it to one of Bear Traps blocking your path to climb up a box.
15. Be careful, a monster will get close and check around the area.
16. When the monster left, climb up and jump to the other side.
17. Check your left for the Note 9: National Guards orders and the second bench in your right for the Note 8: Kids' chat.
18. Go inside the house, check out few items in your left and then open the next door to meet Alex's Dad.
19. Out of house, keep going to your right to the sound traps. Hold the buttons game tells you and don't take your finger of until the trap is defused.
20. Listen to Alex's Dad and keep going forward, when you hit the signs, continue to left.
21. Climb up the boxes in front of you.
22. Before climbing down, check your left in the top for the Note 14 – Madman's memories #1.
23. Jump down and check out the 13: Madman's memories #2 on the table in front of you.
24. Continue to your left and defuse the next sound trap.
25. After defusing another one and reaching to signs, go to your left to find a Toy behind a sound trap.
26. Go back to the signs and climb up the boxes behind it.
27. Jump down and look at the left side of the big board. Check out the Note 12: Madman's memories #3 on right side of a box.
28. Go through the narrow path between rocks marked with yellow color, right of the big board.
29. When you see a monster in front of you, crouch down and go under bottles of the sound trap and wait until he passes next to you.
30. Defuse the trap and keep going to your left until you see a ladder.
31. Go up the ladder and jump down. On the other side look at your right for a gate with the Note 7: About powering the watchtower on it.
32. Go back and open the gate with the green light on it.
33. Up the stairs, keep going left and pick up a Vine. Go to the blocked door and throw the Vine on the trap behind the open window.
34. Go through the open window. Be careful with the broken glasses on the ground.
35. The monster is on the roof but you need to be fast because the building has a lot of dust which can cause problem for the Alex.
36. Go through the narrow path to right in front of you.
37.Keep going until you see a dead man with 2 Notes in his left and right. (Note 5: Madman's vengeance, Note 1: Photo of a girl)
38. Defuse the trap in front of the dead man and another one on your path.
39. Open the box in front of you and push the button.
40. Go out of the door in your right.
41. Climb up the boxes in your left to the other side.
42. Go back to the gate you found a Note on it. It should have a green light now.
43. Climb up the left one and defuse the trap.
44. Pick up the ladder and place it after the defused trap.
45. Go up and open the closet to get a Battery and a Inhaler. And then inspect the headset on the table.
46. Go down the ladder and open the gate with the key you got.
47. Once you open the gate, look at the box in front of you to find a Toy on top of it.
48. Follow the wire on the ground.
49. When you get to a dead man, go right to find a Toy.
50. Go back to the dead man and continue your path to the porch.
51. Go right and enter the narrow path.
52. Go forward and left. Climb up the van and then jump down.
53 Check out the box in front of you for the Note 10: A father's request.
54. Keep going to your left. The door to the house is locked but if you keep going you will see a open window on the other side of it.
55. Take the key on the table. If monster came inside don't worry, pick up the Vine and throw it out side.
56. Pick up the ladder and from the front door or the broken wall, keep going forward and put the ladder down where you need to climb and defuse a sound trap.
57. Pick up the ladder again and place in in left side of the locked gate.
58. Jump down and go inside the Mine in front of you.
59. Keep going to your right to find the Mixtape 2: cave sounds and the Note 11: National Guard decision in front of you.
60. Keep going and climbing until you see a boat n the ground.
61. Check out the ground in front of you for the Note 4: A mother's gratitude.
62. Go left and open the little gate.