
A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Walkthrough

Wikithrough for Trainwreck of A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead.

1. Go left and keep going forward until you see two boxes in your left.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck

2. Move the boxes and go inside the tunnel. Keep going until you see a Toy in front of you.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Toy

3. Jump down twice to see the Note 1: Sandbags on the ground.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 1: Sandbags

Tip: Emptying 20 Sandbags will get you the A Safe Path achievement. You can get it by emptying your current Sandbag whenever you see a new one in your way.

4. Pick up a Sandbag and pour it on the left path to a box.

5. Move the box and continue to your left while crouching down.

6. Climb up the box in your right.

7. When you see two path to right and left, go right and pick up the Plank then go back and place it on the left path.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck

8. Follow the path behind to Sandbag to find a Toy on the ground.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Toy

9. Go back and use the Sandbag to create a soft floor on the water.

10. Go back to where you found the Plank and climb up.

11. Go right into the shack to find a suitcase. use the code 369 to open it and then pick up the Mixtape 2: Birdwatching.

12. Go back where you climbed up and head to your left this time. Go right to find the Mixtape 1: Post-Rock Madness.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Mixtape 1: Post-Rock Madness

13. Keep going forward while creating a soft floor with the Sandbag and then climb up the colorful wall in your left.

14. Go forward and climb up to your left.

15. Drop down and go inside the train.

16. Check out the 3 Notes in front of you. (Note 3: Gven's character sheet, Note 4: Cindie's character sheet, Note 5: Game master's notes)

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 3: Gven's character sheet, Note 4: Cindie's character sheet, Note 5: Game master's notes

17. Go to the next Train Vagon to find 3 more Notes. (Note 6: Leaving the band, Note 7: Live concert flyer, Note 8: Live concert setlist)

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 6: Leaving the band, Note 7: Live concert flyer, Note 8: Live concert setlist

18. Get out of the door in the end of this Vagon.

19. Create a soft floor to the vagon that the monster came from.

20. In the train, go right first to find the Mixtape 3: Monologue.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Mixtape 3: Monologue

21. Now go right this time and then climb up to the next vagon.

22. Get of the Vagon from it's end side to find a Sandbag in front of you.

23. Create a Soft Floor to the next Vagon in front of you.

24. On the left entrance of the Vagon is a climbable place which you can find the Mixtape 4: Purr Purr Heaven on it.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Mixtape 4: Purr Purr Heaven

25. Go left to the next Vagon and then jump down to under the bridge.

26. Go one right and two left to find a Toy.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Toy

27. Go up the yellow mark.

28. Check out chairs behind you to find the Note 9: Cartoon.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 9: Cartoon

29. Keep climbing up to top of the train.

30. Look around the dead body to find a key.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Key

31. Drop the down and create a path to left side of the train.

32. Open the door in front of you.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck

33. Go through the narrow path in front of you.

34. Keep going to your left and climb up to top of the train.

35. Keep going forward to your left until you drop down into the Vagon.

36. Go to the dead end side of this Vagon to find the Note 10: Monologue on one of the chairs.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 10: Monologue

37. Continue to the open door and then into the next Vagon.

38. When the Vagon stops moving, go behind to barstand and pick up the Mixtape 5: Grungy cat.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Mixtape 5: Grungy cat

39. Check the tables around the barstand for the Note 11: Restaurants checklist.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 11: Restaurants checklist

40. Go into the next Vagon which is floated with the water to find the Note 12: Creatures' strange behavior right in front of you.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 12: Creatures' strange behavior

41. Go into the next Vagon to find the Note 13: Get well soon.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Note 13: Get well soon

42. Climb outside to your right.

43. Keep going forward through the water and stop whenever the monster starts vibrating.

44. Climb over to the next water area. The monster will jump into water too.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck

45. On left side of the ladder, jump over the obstacle and pick up the Toy. Then come back and go up the yellow ladder.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck - Toy

46. Go up the second ladder.

47. From here keep running as fast as you can and when you hit the go to your right to see a hole in the wall.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Trainwreck

October 23, 2024
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