Wikithrough guide Chapter 2: Sandgate Village of the Black Myth: Wukong.
1. Ignore the archers on your right and keep going to your far left. |
2. Go up some stairs you will notice your first Shrine in your right in the Chapter 2. |
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3. The village you see in front of you is not your main path but there is a optional frog mini-boss that can improve your abilities. |
4. If you defeated the frog mini-boss, go up the stairs and look for a fox in your right. He will give you a good reward. |
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5. On your way to the village you will notice that the gate is locked. While facing the locked gate, keep going next to the wall on your right until you can jump to the roof and kill every archer you can. |
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6. Looking inside the village from top of the roof, you can see a optional mini-boss and a tiger statue. |
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Tip: If you stay behind a tree his attacks will not hit you but you can hit the mini-boss with your heavy attack. |
7. After defeating or skipping the mini-boss, check out the tiger statue. The sound that was asking for help is from the guy next to it. |
8. After talking with the horse, look at your right to a gate that you can open it by inspecting it. |
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9. Be careful, the archers are now on the ground and they hit harder. |
10. After defeating archers outside the gate, keep going t your left to another locked door with red guardians. |
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Mini-Boss Fight: King of Flowing Sands and Second Rat Prince |
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11. You can win this fight with only killing the son (Bigger one), but you will get a reward if you kill the father (Smaller one) first. Remember, killing the father first will increase the son's damage. |
Tip: You can lower the son's health to around 20% then kill the father and then just kill the son. |
12. After defeating them follow the golden trait to a Shrine and take a Rest. |
13. To open the big gate you need to get the Sterness of Stone and Keeness of Tiger, from left and right path. |
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14. You are free to go to whichever you want but we suggest going to the left one first. |
15. Go inside the big cave. Kill the archer by going up first then kill the rat. |
16. Keep going to your left and jump down. |
Mini-Boss Fight: First Prince of Flowing Sands |
17. He is the dumbest boss of the game. All he does is to charge you and sleep for two seconds. |
18. Dodge his charge and then attack him. Repeat it until he dies. |
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19. After killing him, look at your right for a hole in the wall. |
20. Open the chest in front of you to get the Loong Scale. This item will allow you to access to a lot of secret bosses. |
21. Go back up but this timekKeep going to your right and continue your way through the path where a monster is firing at you. |
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22. Kill the Swift Bat to get his Spirit. |
23. Keep going to your right to the Crouching Tiger Temple. |
24. Before entering the temple, look at your left to activate a new Shrine. |
25. Use the Shrine to Travel back to Yellow Wind Ridge > Sandgate Village > Valley of Despair. |
26. We will do the Fright Cliff, the bridge on your right, first. |