Frozen Alien Location in GTA 5

Frozen Alien Location in GTA 5

There is a frozen dead Alien in the ice at the North Yankton. You can access to his location and take a look at him.

How to get to North Yankton

If you just started the game your first mission is in there and you are already in the location of the Alien. But if you have completed the game:
1. Go to Menu > Game > Replay Mission.
Menu > Game > Replay Mission in GTA 5
2. Choose one of missions called Prologue or Bury the Hatchet. (Both will take you to Alien location)

Frozen Alien Location

1. After getting out of bank and killing bunch of cops you should get in your car.
2. Keep driving until you see a bridge on your right.
3. Go down with your car to see the Alien under the bridge, frozen in ice.
Frozen Alien Location in GTA 5
Bury the Hatchet
1. Go to airport located with yellow dot on your map.
2. Keep driving until you see a bridge on your right.
3. Go down with your car to see the Alien under the bridge, frozen in ice.
Frozen Alien Location in GTA 5
October 6, 2024
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