Location of every Field Note in every chapter's map.
Marshal College
1. Faculty Card: On the table in middle of the unnamed room under Anthropology & Natural Science in the map.
2. Bjorkman's Letter: Arch 2A classroom in second floor on the table in corner next to window.
3. Temple Map: On the table in Indy's office (Professor H.Jones under A in left of map)
4. Baseball Card: Hallway that leads to Arch 2A classroom in second floor.
5. Shirley's Letter: Arch 2A classroom in second floor on a student's table.
6. Cat Mummy Notes: Arch 2A classroom in second floor on teacher's desk.
7. Blackshirts Article: Janitor room in first floor.
8. Strange Eons #1: On a table in Student lounge in second floor before the hallway that leads to Arch 2A classroom.
9. Cat Mummy Photograph: In Indy's office while progressing through story and packing into suitcase.
10. Giant's Pendant: In Indy's office while progressing through story and packing into suitcase.
The Vatican