A Tempest Looms

Red Dead Redemption Walkthrough

Walkthrough for A Tempest Looms of Red Dead Redemption.

1. Meet Bonnie marked with B in the Map.

2. Mount up and follow Bonnie until you get to a group of cows.

Red Dead Redemption - A Tempest Looms - Bonnie

3. Go to the Yellow Mark next to Bonnie and follow her to join another group of cows.

4. Once in a while one of cows will get out of the group, you will need to get them back to the group.

5. After joining another group, a lightning will scatter all of them. Go as fast as possible to get to the front of the big group of cows to stop them. Then follow them to join the smaller group.

Red Dead Redemption - A Tempest Looms

6. Losing few will not cause the mission to fail. After gathering as much as you can, a Yellow Mark will appear and the game will ask you to guide the cows to that location.

October 30, 2024
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