Gates of El Presidio

Red Dead Redemption Walkthrough

Walkthrough for Gates of El Presidio of Red Dead Redemption.

1. Go to R mark in the Map to meet Reyes at the Agave Viejo.

2. Get on the Wagon.

3. Speed up and jump when you see the gate.

Red Dead Redemption - Gates of El Presidio

4. Search question marks to find Escuella.

Red Dead Redemption - Gates of El Presidio

5. Follow him through the same window he ran away from and keep going to your left.

6. Jump down the cannon and mount up a horse.

7. You can either kill him or rope him so he rots in the jail.

8. Go to  the Green Dot and use the Cannon to kill attackers.

Red Dead Redemption - Gates of El Presidio

9. Go to the Yellow Dot when you are done with the Cannon.

November 1, 2024
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