On Shaky's Ground

Red Dead Redemption Walkthrough

Walkthrough for On Shaky's Ground of Red Dead Redemption.

1. Go to Thieves' Landing in I mark in the Map, under the Tall Trees and Great Plains. It's surrounded by water.

Red Dead Redemption - Thieves' Landing

2. Follow Irish.

3. Go down the stairs and climb up the ladder in front of you.

Red Dead Redemption - On Shaky's Ground

4. Crouch down and enter the building through a open window on the other side.

5. Save Shaky in the second floor.

6. Get rid of the enemies in the first floor and follow Shaky to open the gate.

7. Kill everyone outside and follow Shaky to the Machine Gun ammo.

8. Get on the Wagon and protect it from enemies.

Red Dead Redemption - On Shaky's Ground

October 31, 2024
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