Learning how every Repo monster behaves can make your gameplay more enjoyable and easier.
Apex Predator (Ducks)
Ducks come in one or three and they don't attack you or do any damage until you touch them. After touching the Ducks they will attack you for 10 seconds.
They will follow you till end of the game but you can lose them by hiding inside a closet and they will lose interest after few seconds.
Gnomes have low damage but since they come in four it can be deadly to not deal with them correctly.
You can destroy Gnomes one by one by picking them up and throwing them on the ground.
Bowtie has a loud walking noise you can notice him from far away so hiding from them is easy but if they catch you, they will throw you to the wall and start shooting (Snowballs?) at you.
Loud Clown's weapon is his laser which can one shot you. If you survived the laser you got around three seconds to run away and hide from him.
Headman can be heard from his creepy noise and teeth hitting each other. If he catches you he will one shot and kill you.
Huntsman (Blind Guy)
Huntsman is blind and can't see players but he has a good hearing. Bad news is that if Huntsman hears you he will shoot you instantly, so all you can do is not let him know you are around.