Wikithrough guide for Shadows of Rose - Castle area of the Resident Evil Village.
1. Keep going forward to open the door. |
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2. There are some cells on your way, but there is nothing in them other than some notes. |
3. Going past Treatment Room, you can find the key you need right in front of you. |
4. After getting the key, go back to the cell where a girl asked for your help. |
5. Follow Rose to help her in moving a corpse. |
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6. Follow her and go through the hole in the wall. |
7. Following Rose you will notice that you need a handle. |
8. There is a cell on your left that is not locked. Go inside the cell and crouch down to go through the broken wall. |
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9. The door on your left is locked, you need to keep going forward and crouch down do go to that room with locked door through holes in the cells. |
10. On your way a Rose will die in your hands and behind her you can loot the Switch Handle. |
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11. After getting the Switch Handle, unlock the door on your left and go back to the large room with cells. |
12. Monsters are attacking and killing Roses. Keep calm and go around the table then use the handle on the box next to locked gate. |
13 Go around the boxes until the gate is fully open. |
14. When the gate opens keep running forward and don't stop. |
15. After reaching a dead end, a strange thing will start helping you and opening your way. |
16. Ending up in Parlor room use the save next to the door and open the brown door on your right. |
17. Monsters will hunt you again, keep going to your left and don't stop. |
18. There will be Red Mold all over the castle, going inside them will kill you. |
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19. You also get a gun to kill monsters that attack you. |
Tip. Your ammo is pretty much limited so you need to be careful with that: 1. Shooting to head only requires 4 bullets. 2. Shooting to rest of the body requires 8 bullets. |
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20. After killing the monster loot the ammo on the table and go through the door. |
21. When you reach the Main Hall, there is a statue on your right that needs 3 masks. |
22. Go to the Dining Room through the door on your left. |
23. Loot the ammo on the table and open the brown door. |
24. Another monster in the Kitchen is waiting for you. |
25. On left side of the kitchen you can find a small room with Bolt Cutters on the table, loot it. |
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26. The door in front of you is locked. Go back to Dinning Room and pay attention to what Micheal says. |
27. Take the ammo Michael gave you and open the locked door on your left with Bolt Cutters to the Courtyard. |
28. Go to middle of the Courtyard for your next mission. |
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29. Keep going forward into the door in front of you. |
30. Loot the Gunpowder in front of you and go upstairs. |
31. Upstairs, the door on your left is locked. Go to the right door and kill the two monsters inside the Library. |
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32. Killing two monsters, another one will fall from the ceiling mold. |
33. If you are low on ammo you can just run into Waiting Room, they won't follow you. |
34. Go inside Atelier room and go up stairs to drop a ladder on the ground. |
35. go through the broken wall and climb up the ladder. |
36. get inside the workshop to loot the Flask that gives you power. |
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37. Loot everything in the Workshop and get out to see a Mold Core in front of you. |
38. use the given key and destroy the Mold Core. |
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39. Now go back to Courtyard: *. Core Mold of Atelier is on the ceiling. *. Destroy the Mold Core in the Waiting Room to get the High-Capacity Mag and combine it with your weapon. *. Cold Mold of Library is right on top of your head. |
40. Destroying the Mold Core in middle of the Courtyard will give you Bronze Mask. |
Tip: Destroy every Mold Core will give you a item sometimes. |
41. Go back to Main Hall to put the mask on the face of the left statue. |
42. Destroy the Mold Core right behind you and go upstairs. |
43. Go right and destroy the Mold Core on top of your head after killing a monster. |
44. Monsters will start following you. Go in to the door and keep running forward. |
45. Getting into Drawing Room will lock the door behind you and keep the monsters outside. |
46. Crouch down to fireplace and wait for Michael to open your way. |
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47. In the Armory room Michael will tell you to take the RW-Variant Flask 2 on the table. |
48. You can now use your power on the monsters but it won't kill them, just dizzy enough for you to run away. |
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49. Going back to Drawing Room Michael will tell you to pick up a Sprig of White Sage. This item fills the power you can hit monsters with. |
50. The locked door will open to two room in front of you with two monsters in each of them. |
51. You can kill monsters or use your power on them to just run away from them. |
52. The Monocular Key you need is on the back of the right room called Dressing Room. |
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53. Go back to Main Hall. Be careful with the monster on your way. |
54. Going down stairs, destroy the Mold Core on the door and go down to Antechamber. |
55. Destroy the Mold Core on the yellow door in your left and go inside. |
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56. Open the briefcase in front of you on the chair with Monocular Key. Loot the Compensator and combine it with your weapon. |
57. Head back to the Main Hall then to Dining Room in front of you. |
58. Michael will talk to you. Head to Courtyard and go to Monocular Key door in far right of the Courtyard. |
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59. Go upstairs and kill a monster in front of you. After that you will notice that all the white doors are locked but there is a red door to Hall of Ablution that is open. |
60. The puzzle is simple, just push statues in this order: 1. Hanged Rose. 2. Sword Rose. 3. Drowned Rose. 4. Arrow Rose. |
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61. Keep going down until you face your first mini boss. |
62. You can't kill him with your power or weapon for and you need to keep running from him and destroy Mold Cores to get to the room in the back. |
Tip: You can just crouch down behind the boxes and pillar in middle of the room and let the monster go far from Mold Core and destroy it when it the monster noticing and continue your way forward for now. |
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63. There is two monsters in the next room that if you shoot them the mini boss will come for you. |
64. Kill them or phase them out with your power and destroy the Mold Core on the wall, then crouch down and go to next room. |
65. Going up stairs there is a mask in front of you and a Pipe Bomb in your right. |
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66. Taking the Silver Mask, mini boss will appear in front of you and multiple monsters in your way. Just keep running and if any monster is blocking your way use your power on them. |
67. Crouching down to the ladder room you will be safe now. |
68. Getting into Guest Room, Michael will give you some stuff and you need to loot the painting from next room in front of you. |
69. Go back to Courtyard. Don't fight monsters in there just run to Dining Room. |
70. Go to Main Hall and use the Silver Mask on the right statue. |
71. Go up stairs and get inside the Gallery room in front of you. |
72. Here is how to solve the Painting Puzzle: Left: Butterfly, Frog, Sheep. Right: Spider, Snake, Wolf |
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73. Loot the box to get the Triocular Key. |
74. Go back to Main Hall then in to the Dining Room. |
75. use to Triocular Key to get the shotgun. |
76. Get into Courtyard but be careful with the monsters. You don't need to kill them just go to the door on your left. |
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77. Don't go upstairs, just open the door on your right with Triocular Key. |
78. Get to other side of the Opera Hall and destroy the Mold Core on top of your head. |
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79. Dropping the piano will awake four monsters. You can either kill or them go upstairs and come back and destroy other Mold Cores while monsters have enough distance with you. |
80. One of Mold Cores is way up the stairs on other side. Two monsters will spawn there kill them or use your powers on them and destroy the Mold Core. |
81. Go back down and pick up the Golden Mask. |
82. Real Mold Core puzzle: 1. Outside the cell, 3th one from left. 2. Look at the broken wall on your right. It's the biggest one in the center. 3. Look up, last one is in middle of the ceiling. |
83. Save the game in next room and take the stuff Michael gave you. |
84. Get out of the prison, go up the stairs and kill the monster. |
85. Unlock the white door, go to kitchen then dining room and get back to Main Hall. |
86. Put the Golden Mask on the statue in the middle. |
87. The Luke will throw you to the Execution Yard and you need to defeat the Brute this time. |
88. Here is how to defeat Brute: 1. Use any Pipe Bomb you got on him. 2. Use your power on him to make him dizzy, then shoot his heart. 3. If you got no power or used it all and he is still alive, then let him charge you and when his weapon is stuck in the ground, shoot his heart. |
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89. The Luke will send two monsters and also awake the Brute again. Kill the two monsters first then defeat Brute again. |
90. Defeating Brute again will awake two other monsters, kill them and take the RW-Variant Flask 3 from Michael. |
91. Brute will come back for one last time, but this time his heart is on his back. |