Loop Theory

Loop Theory in Silent Hill 2 Remake

What is loop theory in SH2R and what are the evidences for it.

What is Loop Theory

Loop theory is a fan theory that says James, main character, is in a loop and keeps coming back to Silent Hill every time he dies or leaves it after the game ends.


Strange Photos and The Secret Puzzle

Strange Photos and The Secret Puzzle

You will find some strange pictures throughout game. If you count things within each Strange Photo (example: the open windows in photo 1 = 6), then count that number across the writing on each one, you will get a letter. It spells out: "YOUVE BEEN HERE FOR TWO DECADES"

Dead Bodies of James

Easter Eggs in Silent Hill 2 Remake - Dead Bodies of James

Dead bodies you encounter throughout the game are James's own body.

TV Morse Code

Easter Eggs in Silent Hill 2 Remake - TV Morse Code

The TVs in Cafeteria and Nurses' Lounge at the Brookhaven Hospital have a Morse code that repeats "AGAIN AND". [Source]

November 22, 2024
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