Walkthrough for Peru - Mountain Caves of Tomb Raider Anniversary.
1. Look at the wall in front of you for a narrow ledge and jump to it.
2. Keep moving right until you hit the broken part of the wall. While holding the move to right button, jump to get to other side.
3. When you get to the next broken wall, jump while holding the move back button.
4. Keep jumping up the walls until you get to a blue mark on top of your head.
5. Jump and then use the button for Grapple Ring.
6. Keep swinging using the move forward and backward button and then use the jump button right when you are closest to edge of the other side.
Tip: If you don't push forward and backward buttons while hanging from a ring, you will fall down after few seconds.
7. Look at your left for a rock and jump on top of it. Swing to other side and then go up to top of the gate.
8. Push the button on top of the gate.
9. Be careful with the different traps in your path. Some of them like this one are easy to dodge with a roll.
10. Go up the stairs in your right and jump over the broken bridge.
11. Jump to the narrow ledge and keep going left and after another jump to left, climb up.
12. Facing your first enemies in the game, Bats, you will learn that whenever anything comes close to you auto aim will aim your aim at them and you can simply kill them by pushing shoot button.
Tip: You can dodge enemy charges by jumping and rolling.
13. Go left to find your first collectable item, a Large Medipack.
14. Open Inventory and use a Medipack if you have lost any health to Bats.
15. Go back the main path and continue to your right this time.
16. After killing another group of bats, jump and hook your rope to the ring.
17. Game will tell you about the buttons you need to push to go up while hanging on the rope.
18. Go high up the rope and then swing to the narrow ledge in front of you.
19. Jump backward and drop down one ledge.
20. Go right and jump backward again to find your second collectible item, a Artifact.
Note: Artifacts open extra/bonus content of the game.
21. Jump down and continue through the open path.
22. Pull the lever in your right and continue forward again.
23. The bridge you see in middle of the room will break the second you go on it but you need it to break, so go on it and after falling down kill the wolfs. They are easy to kill, simply jump around shoot them.
24. Look around for a Small Medipack and then jump up using the broken bridge.
25. Go up the narrow ledge in your right and continue through the next bridge.
26. Jump to other side using the rope hanging in middle of the room. (You swing to left for a Small Medipack if you are interested)
27. This one is not any different than other jumping parts, simply jump, swing, and then jump again to the other side.
28. Jump up in your left and pull down the left mechanism.
29. Your time is limited so without wasting any of it, go through the path behind you and jump and swing until you are on the other side and then pull the right mechanism.
30. Jump down fast and stand on the rock in front of the gate to open it.